Digital Placemat/AARP Media Sales
Abbott/AARP Sales Booklet
Abbott/AARP Sales Booklet
AARP Media Sales/Media Sheet
AARP Media Sales/Mobile Best Practices
Health Magazine Placemat
T+L Golf/Watch Promo (folded piece)
T+L Golf Year End Review/Preview
Digital Placemat/AARP Media Sales
Digital Placemat/AARP Media Sales

Sales tool (placemat) created as a way to highlight the digital brands portfolio of assets.

Abbott/AARP Sales Booklet
Abbott/AARP Sales Booklet

Co-branded sales tool used to educate the 50+ market. Program was so successful client reordered 50,000 reprinted for entire Abbott sales staff.  (Featured here are the front cover and page 1).

Abbott/AARP Sales Booklet
Abbott/AARP Sales Booklet

Co-branded sales tool to educate the 50+ market on the importance of diet, protein and exercise as we age. (Featured here is a spread from the booklet).

AARP Media Sales/Media Sheet
AARP Media Sales/Media Sheet

Designed media sheet promoting internal page/section of AARP The Magazine to spark advertiser interest.

AARP Media Sales/Mobile Best Practices
AARP Media Sales/Mobile Best Practices

Designed one-sheeter clarifying best practices to potential advertisers when submitting their creative.

Health Magazine Placemat
Health Magazine Placemat

Designed competitive overview, in one simple synopsis, for sales team to use on calls.

T+L Golf/Watch Promo (folded piece)
T+L Golf/Watch Promo (folded piece)

Folded sales piece, with stats proving the T+L Golf audience liked to spend money on the finer-things, and enjoyed a very affluent lifestyle. A leave-behind on sales calls.

T+L Golf Year End Review/Preview
T+L Golf Year End Review/Preview

Designed this presentation (ppt and printed). Handed out at the Brand Overview meeting. It was bound and dye-cut to illustrate one of the many beautiful courses that had be written about that year. Included many stats, listings and projections while maintaining the TLG brand.